Sunday, February 26, 2012

What is a Man

A man carries cash. A man looks out for those around him — woman, friend, stranger. A man can cook eggs. A man can always find something good to watch on television. A man makes things — a rock wall, a table, the tuition money. Or he rebuilds — engines, watches, fortunes. He passes along expertise, one man to the next. Know-how survives him. A man fantasizes that kung fu lives deep inside him somewhere. A man is good at his job. Not his work, not his avocation, not his hobby. Not his career. His job. It doesn’t matter what his job is, because if a man doesn’t like his job, he gets a new one.

A man can speak to dogs.

A man listens, and that’s how he argues. He crafts opinions. He can pound the table, take the floor. It’s not that he must. It’s that he can.

A man can look you up and down and figure some things out. Before you say a word, he makes you. From your suitcase, from your watch, from your posture. A man infers.

A man owns up. That’s why Mark McGwire is not a man. A man grasps his mistakes. He lays claim to who he is, and what he was, whether he likes them or not.
Some mistakes, though, he lets pass if no one notices. Like dropping the steak in the dirt.

A man can tell you he was wrong. That he did wrong. That he planned to. He can tell you when he is lost. He can apologize, even if sometimes it’s just to put an end to the bickering.
A man does not wither at the thought of dancing. But it is generally to be avoided.
Style — a man has that. No matter how eccentric that style is, it is uncontrived. It’s a set of rules.

A man loves the human body, the revelation of nakedness. He loves the sight of the pale bosom, the physics of the human skeleton, the alternating current of the flesh. He is thrilled by the wrist and the sight of a bare shoulder. He likes the crease of a bent knee.
Maybe he never has, and maybe he never will, but a man figures he can knock someone, somewhere, on his bottom.

A man doesn’t point out that he did the dishes.

A man knows how to ridicule.

A man gets the door. Without thinking.
He stops traffic when he must.

A man knows how to lose an afternoon. Playing Grand Theft Auto, driving aimlessly, shooting pool.
He knows how to lose a month, also.

A man welcomes the coming of age. It frees him. It allows him to assume the upper hand and teaches him when to step aside.
He understands the basic mechanics of the planet. Or he can close one eye, look up at the sun, and tell you what time of day it is. Or where north is. He can tell you where you might find something to eat or where the fish run. He understands electricity or the internal-combustion engine, the mechanics of flight or how to figure a pitcher’s ERA.

A man does not know everything. He doesn’t try. He likes what other men know.

A man knows his tools and how to use them — just the ones he needs. Knows which saw is for what, how to find the stud, when to use galvanized nails.

A miter saw, incidentally, is the kind that sits on a table, has a circular blade, and is used for cutting at precise angles. Very satisfying saw.
He does not rely on rationalizations or explanations. He doesn’t winnow, winnow, winnow until truths can be humbly categorized, or intellectualized, until behavior can be written off with an explanation. He doesn’t see himself lost in some great maw of humanity, some grand sweep. That’s the liberal thread; it’s why men won’t line up as liberals.

A man resists formulations, questions belief, embraces ambiguity without making a fetish out of it. A man revisits his beliefs. Continually. That’s why men won’t forever line up with conservatives, either.

A man is comfortable being alone. Loves being alone, actually. He sleeps.
Or he stands watch. He interrupts trouble. This is the state policeman. This is the poet. Men, both of them.

A man loves driving alone most of all.

A man watches. Sometimes he goes and sits at an auction knowing he won’t spend a dime, witnessing the temptation and the maneuvering of others. Sometimes he stands on the street corner watching stuff. This is not about quietude so much as collection. It is not about meditation so much as considering. A man refracts his vision and gains acuity. This serves him in every way. No one taught him this — to be quiet, to cipher, to watch. In this way, in these moments, the man is like a zoo animal: both captive and free. You cannot take your eyes off a man when he is like that. You shouldn’t. Who knows what he is thinking, who he is, or what he will do next.

Tom Chiarella, What Is a Man? (for Esquire)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The passing of the Aluma Coach....

A sad day, a beaver has felled several cottonwoods on a rare 22' Aluma Coach....

I love Quebec City.
I must go back.....cafes, java, wine, archetecture, & true history...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Lake Berryessa - Morning Glory Spillway

Beautiful but terrifying...

Located in northern California, the Monticello Dam's is the largest morning glory spillway all over the world. This funnel-shaped outlet, allows water to bypass the dam when it reaches capacity, as it swallows a rate of 48,400 cubic feet per second (1370 m³/s).

Less work, & more time on the river.

Managed to finally get some time on the river.
Need to spend less time at the office,
and more time on the river.
To much fly fishing gear gathering dust in the garage.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

A lotta rain the last month. It may be a long wait till spring, plates and the Bonnie back on the road.

Friday, September 11, 2009

We took the Siren up to the interior and did some lake sailing. I don't believe her bottom has ever seen freshwater. Something serene about sailing the lakes, no tides, no currents.

Just warm water & a warm wind.
On a warm day, if the wind is just right, you can catch the smell of the pine forests on the shores.

I've had the trailer sailer for a couple of years now and keep thinking I should try some lake sailing, several to choose from locally and out of town.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Tiller Self Steering.

Sailing: A tiller sail for self-steering: Capt. W. Bligh RN Sailing: A tiller sail for self-steering: Capt. W. Bligh RN mudsailor How self-steering on a yacht may be improved by the addition of a small sail attached to the tiller. Used it after my premature ejection from HMS Bounty; it worked a treat!

See more articles like this in The Lo-Tech Navigator published by Seafarer (UK) and Sheridan House (USA)

"So heave ho me hearties,
For England we shall steer.
Now come and dance the hornpipe.
But don't get too damn near."


Sunday, June 7, 2009

Aluma Coach has landed....

Well, I finally got the trailer out of the industrial park.
Found a Nice spot along the Fraser River to keep her.
A friend has a secluded acre on the river.
Should give family & friends a get away for the summer......

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Finished and installed.
I'll get a mpeg on here soon.

Packed and almost reassembled.

New glass cloth wrapping on diffuser tube.

Diffuser tube cleaned painted and ready.

Old packing removed & old diffuser pipes.

Old D&D pipes with old burned out packing.

Just need to get the cam lobes on base circle and check.

Good access for the valve set

Everything off and ready for a valve set.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Lt.-Col. John McCrae

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Summer has passed.

Well, That's it.
The Motorcycle plates have expired for the year and the sailboat is outta the water.
Oh well, lots to do this winter. Big refit list for the little sailboat and a few repairs on the Bonnie.